New Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce for SMEs


Adding to the Luso-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCILC), created in 1978, that represents major companies and banks, a new chamber of commerce for  the two countries´ small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) has now been created.

The Portugal-China PME Chamber of Commerce (CCPC-PME), which intends to serve the “the vast field of SMEs interested in exporting and importing to and from China”, was formally created last week, according to a statement.


The executive council of CCPC-PME will be chaired by Y Ping Chow, president of the League of Chinese in Portugal and representative of the Chinese Community in the Portuguese High Commission for Migration. The strategic council is chaired by Bian Fang, chairman of the board of directors of the Bison Bank, a Chinese-owned financial entity operating in Portugal.


Also involved in CCPC-PME are Portuguese former Secretary of State for Internationalization Jorge Costa Oliveira, along with former adviser to the President of the Republic, Jorge Portugal, and members of parliament António Gameiro and José Cesário.


CCPC-PME adds that “individuals in Macau, Beijing and Shanghai and in the Chinese provinces of Henan, Hainan and Shangdong have already agreed to create CCPC-SME delegations in their respective regions”. The chamber is based in the center of Portugal, in the town of Condeixa, and will have delegations in the country´s two major cities, Lisbon and Porto.


The statement points out that a first work program that aims to create investment funds for the agri-food and tourism sectors has already been presented, as well promotion of products and services in online sales platforms.


The Luso-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCILC), created in 1978, is currently chaired by EDP, and its governing bodies include the most important industrial and financial groups in the bilateral context (Haitong Bank, REN / State Grid, Huawei, China Three Gorges, TAP Air Portugal, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Fidelidade/ Fosun, Millennium BCP, Estoril Sol, Novo Banco). It has among its vice-presidents businessman Wu Zhiwei, from Tin Min Jade Macau.



Photo: Lisbon, Portugal

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