Oeiras Valley Investment Agency and CCILC Sign Deal to Attract Chinese Investment to Portugal

by: Jessica Ferreira

The Oeiras Valley Investment Agency (OVIA) and the Luso-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCILC) have signed an agreement aimed to attract Chinese companies to the Portuguese municipality.

The protocol between the Agency and the Chamber was formalized in Macau during a business meeting on the third and final day of the 6th ministerial conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Forum Macau).

OVIA attracts investment and promote the municipality of Oeiras and local companies on an international scale, a strategy that has already brought many companies from various countries to the area.

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“The Luso-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry has every interest in being with them on this project, because it will probably allow us to attract more companies with Chinese capital to this region in the area of services and in the area of technology” stated the president of CCILC, Carlos Cid Álvares.

The council is also interested in Oeiras entrepreneurs making a move towards Macau, Hengqin and towards the Greater Bay Area.

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