‘Opportunity’ in China for Wine Varieties From Portugal


The Chinese wine market’s search for novelty presents an ‘opportunity’ for wine varieties from Portugal, according to one of the biggest importers in the Asian market.

Francisco Henriques, general director of major importer China Wines & Spirits, points to the “potential” of different types of wine and grape varieties in Portugal, in a “dynamic” market which is “always looking for new things”.

“Here, I think Portugal has an opportunity with our varieties”, Henriques told The Portugal News. “The Portuguese alvarinhos, which are beginning to emerge, and the Touriga and Aragonês are also appearing”. The official also stated that there is “great opportunity” for green wines.

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According to the importer based in Shanghai, “these are wines that are easy to drink and that match the climate and cuisine” of China. “I think these wines can grow a lot and whites in general”.

E-commerce is also another “great revolution” in the way of selling and distributing wines in China. The Asian country is responsible for about half of the world’s internet sales, driven by a vast logistics network and groups such as Alibaba, Jingdong or Meituan.

The proliferation of e-commerce also benefits entrepreneurs, who are able to place their products anywhere in China, without relying on retailers.


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