Pansy Chiu King to Chair Estoril-Sol Board


Pansy Chiu King will chair the Board of Directors of Estoril-Sol, the Portugal-based gaming and tourism company announced.

The new board, approved at a general meeting on 28 June, includes Mário Alberto Assis Ferreira (vice- chairman), António Vieira Coelho, Vasco Fraga, Jorge Teixeira, Calvin Chann, Miguel Queiroz, Maisy Ho and Daisy Ho, according to information sent to the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

The meeting approved the company’s accounts and the proposal for the application of results, which foresees that the 2020 loss, in the amount of EUR 20,24 million, will be transferred to the retained earnings.

The shareholders also gave the “green light” to the attribution of a vote of confidence and praise to Estoril-Sol’s management and supervisory bodies, to the remuneration policy, as well as to the proposal on the purchase and sale of own shares.

The new Supervisory Board includes Manuel Boto (chairman), Paulo Alves (vice-chairman), Vítor Ribeiro and Lisete Cardoso (alternate). As statutory auditor, Deloitte & Associados was elected.

The board of the general meeting includes Pedro Maia (president), Tiago Ferreira de Lemos (vice president) and Maria Horta Barbosa (secretary). The Remuneration Committee is now composed of Pansy Chiu King, Jorge Teixeira and Calvin Chann.


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