PORCHAM Chamber to spur Portugal-China relations with new Beijing office


PORCHAM chamber of commerce will open a new Beijing office, in its effort to spur Portugal-China business relations together with State and diplomatic officials.

After meeting with the new Ambassador of Portugal in Beijing, Paulo Nascimento, PORCHAM Vice-Presidents, João Pedro Pereira (pictured above) and Vitório Cardoso, met on January 2nd with Ambassador Alexandre Leitão, new Consul General of Portugal in Macau and Hong Kong.

During the latest meeting, PORCHAM said in a statement, various topics were addressed, “on relations of Portugal with the Macao SAR, on the importance of Macau in the context of the Greater Bay, on the Macau Forum, the role of local Portuguese communities and on the future collaboration of PORCHAM with the Consulate General, in line with
of strengthening relationships and proximity, which benefits the interests of Portugal and the strengthening of cooperation and economic and trade relations between Portugal and the Macao SAR”.

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PORCHAM underlines it is undergoing efforts “to articulate with the authorities of both countries and collaborate in promoting the strengthening of bilateral relations with China, both in the economic and trade chapter, and in the scope of cooperation”.

Last year, PORCHAM organized a seminar for companies in the Autonomous Region of Madeira with the participation of its President, Dário Silva, of the Chinese Ambassador to Portugal, Zhao Bentang, and authorities of the Portuguese region. It also met with the Municipalities of Matosinhos and Vila Nova de Gaia.

Recent contacts include the Portuguese Secretary of State for Internationalization, Bernardo Ivo Cruz, the President of AICEP, Luis Castro Henriques, the Coordinating Director of AICEP in Beijing, Nuno Lima Leite and the Director of AICEP in Guangzhou, Mário Ferreira.

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“Collaborate constructively and articulately with the authorities, defending Portugal’s interests in China, being unblocking agents and facilitators in solving problems in both geographies are the main goals of PORCHAM, which is asserting itself as an Institutional reference in bilateral relations”, the chamber says.

After opening offices in Guangzhou, Lisbon, Shanghai, Hainan, it will soon have a representation in Beijing, “a guarantor of access and an agent for reducing context costs for companies and entrepreneurs”, the statement adds.

“One of the great achievements of PORCHAM was the creation of the of Sino-Portuguese International Investment and Trade Cooperation, a partnership between the Center for International Cooperation of the Reform Committee and Development of the PCC, Portuguese company CINCO, Sociedade Internacional de Comércio Lda and PORCHAM, for the operationalization of investment projects and bilateral trade”, the chamber underlines.


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