PortugalFoods Preparing “Virtual Mission” to China


PortugalFoods, the agency representing the country´s agri-food sector, is preparing a “virtual mission” to China in September, after recent similar events in other Asian countries.


Prior to the online meetings scheduling, PortugalFoods buyers will be selected through a consultancy service, “in a personalized and individual way, according to the product category of each company and goals in this market”.


“In addition, and in order to guarantee the success of the scheduled meetings, each company will have the support of a Portuguese-Mandarin interpreter service, in each meeting”, the agency adds in a statement.


In 2018, China imported 74 million euros in Portuguese products from the agri-food sector.


“Despite a slowdown in the Chinese economy, this market continues to stand out in the international commercial landscape, identifying opportunities for national agri-food companies”, PortugalFoods says.


In its string of “virtual trade missions” to Asia, starting with Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea, PortugalFoods is now venturing into the Vietnam market.



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