Portugal´s Auto Sueco Becomes Official Distributor of DongFeng Trucks in Mozambique


Auto Sueco Moçambique has become the official distributor of DongFeng trucks, also servicing the Chinese-made vehicles in its vast network in the African country.

The portfolio comprises vehicles for applications in long haul distribution, construction, mines, forestry, environment and special solutions, Auto Sueco Moçambique added.

This new representation makes it possible to increase Auto Sueco Moçambique’s offer in the road freight transport market through products with the specifications and competitive advantages that DongFeng Trucks offers.

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“One of Auto Sueco Moçambique’s objectives is to increase the offer of solutions in various sectors of road transport, thus making a decisive contribution to the development of this strategic economic sector in Mozambique,” said Pedro Ferreira Monteiro, CEO of Auto Sueco Moçambique.

“We are confident that, gradually, we will successfully develop this activity, and that our potential customers will trust in the quality of our service and products, which now offers a greater range of solutions”, underlined the executive.

Auto Sueco has been present in Mozambique since 2014, in the sectors of road transport, construction and energy solutions.


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