Portugal´s food sector aiming to reach 5.5 million consumers in China through social networks


Portugal´s food sector is aiming to reach 5.5 million consumers and industry professionals in China through an ongoing campaign through social networks.

Organized by the Portuguese Foreign Trade Agency (AICEP), the Tales of Portugal campaign will focus in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, over these six months.

With a strong online component, the campaign will establish partnerships with 29 different Key OpinionLeaders (KOL), which will publish content about the best Portuguese products available in China in the most relevant Chinese social networks (Weibo, Wechat, Yizhibo and Xiaohongshu).

Campaign to Promote Portugal’s Agri-food Sector Kicks Off in China

Wine, olive oil, pastries, fruit, canned fish and preserved tomatoes are some of the main Portuguese products most exported to numerous foreign markets, namely Spain, France, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Italy.

“Despite Portugal having a considerable market share in the wine industry, there are many other products that still lack notoriety among end consumers, such as pork or dairy products”, AICEP says.

The Portuguese Food Sector has a “great reputation in foreign markets, being internationally recognized for the quality and innovation of its products”, it adds.


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