Portugal´s Port of Sines Keen on Taiwanese Tech Investment


Portugal´s deepwater port port of Sines wants to attract investment from Taiwanese technological companies, according to its officials.


Filipe Costa, CEO of Aicep Global Parques, the State company that manages logistical facilities, hosted at the Industrial and Logistics Zone of Sines (ZILS) Business Center, 24 November, Taiwan’s representative in Portugal, Vivia Chang, according to Cargo magazine.


Taiwan´s representative in Portugal, according to the same source, was introduced to ‘ZAL Sines – Zone of Logistics Activities at ZILS’, as a platform for Taiwanese companies to produce for the European and North American markets, and ‘Sines Tech – Innovation & Data Center Hub’, as a destination for investment in data centers and production of telecommunications equipment.


Aicep Global Parques is currently launching ‘ZAL Sines – Zone of Logistics Activities at ZILS’, as it is an interface between the transoceanic maritime routes of the Port, Logistics and Industrial Complex of Sines and the railroad and highway that  interconnect it in Portugal and with Europe.


In the context of the new Strategic Plan of the Port of Sines for the next decade, presented in September at a ceremony attended by the Minister of Infrastructure, Pedro Nuno Santos, the roles of ZAL Sines and ZILS are defined as instrumental in capturing a greater diversity of business segments and new types of cargo.


In October, Portugal’s minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, invited Japanese companies bid for the contract to build a second container terminal at Sines.

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