Huawei Extends ICT Academy to Portugal´s University of Algarve


Huawei Portugal and the University of Algarve (UAlg) are partnering to implement an Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Academy at UAlg, giving teachers and students privileged access to training, content and experiences.


According to a statement from Huawei, this partnership with UAlg will explore the areas of Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence, not only providing solutions for the different needs and requirements of the institution, but also providing new training content, in addition to the certification of teachers.


Huawei already has partnerships in Portugal, with the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and the Piaget Institute.


During the protocol signing session, João Rodrigues, Pro-Rector of the University of the Algarve, praised Huawei’s “commitment to its mission of investing in knowledge and innovation in close link with the academy”. “It was decisive for UAlg to be part of the ICT Academy, an international program with proven evidence that will be an asset for an institution that intends to deepen links with the business world”, Rodrigues added.


According to Diogo Madeira da Silva, Head of Public Affairs and Communications at Huawei Portugal, the association with the Huawei ICT Academy “will provide students and faculty at the University of Algarve with progressive learning in the use of latest technologies, endowing them with valuable tools for today’s demands, in particular to face an increasingly competitive and global labor market”.


The official also underlined that Huawei, present in Portugal for over 15 years, “continues to strengthen its association and the transfer of knowledge to the Portuguese education system, throughout the country and not focusing only in the urban areas of Lisbon and Porto”.


Launched in Portugal last July, and integrating Huawei’s TECH4ALL program, the main objective of the ICT Academy is to strengthen the transfer of knowledge to the various Portuguese universities and to bring them closer to the reality of companies and technological innovation.


In order to consolidate this strategy of combining efforts with the academy, Huawei established the ICT Academy Development Incentive Fund globally, with a total investment of around USD 50 million, to be applied over the next five years.

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