Portuguese companies looking for new markets in South Korea and Japan


Four Portuguese companies are travelling to South Korea and Japan looking for new markets, under  an initiative by trade group Associação Empresarial de Portugal (AEP), which will head to Shanghai next.

Primor, Vinhos Norte, Cutipol and Arch Valadares will travel to South Korea this week, after a first stop in Tokyo (pictured above), as part of the Next Challenge Asia project, promoted by AEP.

The four companies, AEP said, “will take on the challenge of promoting each of the sectors represented and, simultaneously, the diversity, quality and innovation of Portuguese products in the target market”.

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In Tokyo, an event at The Ritz – Carlton featured the Ambassador of Portugal in the country, Vítor Sereno, and Miguel Malheiro Costa, presenting the macroeconomic framework and bilateral relations through AICEP.

At the meeting in Seoul, in The Four Seasons Hotel, the opening speech will be given by Susana Vaz Patto, Ambassador of Portugal.

AEP intends to reinforce the internationalization of SMEs in the Agri-food, Home, Infrastructure (Water and Energy) and Construction Materials sectors, and reinforce the brand image in the Asian market and increase exports.

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The trips to Tokyo and Seoul represent, respectively, the second and third actions to promote Portuguese products carried out within the scope of the Portugal Premium Experience.

Portugal received, in 2022, several entrepreneurs from Japan, South Korea and China. Until June, AEP will carry out a new international promotion action, in Shanghai (China).

The Next Challenge Asia project has as its main objective the promotion of knowledge, the training of SMEs and communication with the markets of Japan, South Korea and China.


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