Portuguese-Speaking Countries Legislation Now Available in Chinese


The Chinese version of the Guide to Investing in Portuguese-Speaking Countries (PSCs) and Timor-Leste, published by legal database Legis-PALOP+TL is now available, for the first time, under a partnership supported by private entities.


The Guide´s Chapter I on Forms of Foreign Investment in PSCs and Timor-Leste, with data updated on December 31, 2019, is aimed at all those who wish to know, in a succinct and easy to consult manner, the Forms of Foreign Investment in Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste. 


Teresa Amador, Legis-PALOP+TL coordinator said that the Chinese version of the Guide “is an essential tool for active Chinese entrepreneurs and policy makers or potential investors in Portuguese-speaking Africa and Timor Leste”. “We are certain that this publication will assist in future investments in these markets”, Amador added. 


According to sponsor Wu Zhiwei, “the latest trade and investment regulations guide will make it easier for entrepreneurs and students to better understand the business structure of Portuguese-speaking countries, reduce investment risks and highlight incentives for investors, so as to better achieve win-win investment opportunities in these countries.” 


“It will help business and economic development and promote the advantages of foreign investment, which is very important. I believe that this guide will achieve the important common goals of growth and investment, and will contribute to the prosperous economic development of China and Portuguese-speaking countries”, Zhiwei said.


According to Gonçalo César de Sá, MacauLink managing partner, “this is an ongoing project and we plan to update the Guide regularly”.


“The publication of this Guide is a proof of the vitality of the private sector in Macau, which is making a significant contribution to foster business and trade relations between China and the portuguese speaking countries, through Macao. It is even more extraordinary that, in a difficult context all over the world, a major Macau investor in Portugal, a key financial institution of Macau and one of MSAR´s more vibrant research centers came together to support this launch”.  


According to Carlos Cid Álvares, CEO of Banco Nacional Ultramarino, the Guide will be an “important tool in terms of reducing risks and encouraging investors”. “It will, I believe, actively promote investments”. 


“To ensure a prosperous future for our global community, it is vital that we keep trade and investment flowing, especially when the world is facing protectionist pressures. I am confident this guide will be a contribution towards having a more dynamic and prosperous economy for China and the Portuguese-Speaking Countries. Macau and its people have a lot to contribute to China, using the Greater Bay Area as a starting point, and I believe that one of these highly relevant assets is the understanding of the Portuguese-Speaking community, bound by deep and centuries-old relations.”, added the CEO of BNU. 


According to Prof. Luís Sales Marques, president of the Macau Institute of European Studies, investors will be able to find in the Guide “relevant foreign investment framework, labor environment, taxes and other important information on useful laws and regulations that contribute to business success”.


Legis-PALOP + TL is the official legal database that contains Legislation, Jurisprudence and Doctrine from Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste. Updated daily, the Database aggregates, in a structured way and with easy access, Legislation, Jurisprudence of the higher levels and the main Doctrine of these countries.


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