Sino-Brazilian Organizations and Platforms Prepare New ‘Coalition’


A new ‘Brazil China Coalition’ is being prepared in the South American country, with the support of 13 Sino-Brazilian organizations and platforms.

The group of supporters include CEBC (Brazil China Business Council), Brazil China Studies Group at Fundação Getúlio Vargas – Rio, RBChina (Brazilian Network for China Studies), LIDE China, China Radar and CCIBC (Brazil China Chamber of Commerce).

Other partners include Shūmian 书面, Brazil China Parliamentary Fronts and BRICs and FrenCOMEX (Parliamentary Front for International Trade and Investment).  The initiative aims to “bring together entities and people who value, respect and recognize the importance of the healthy relationship between Brazil and China, and promote healthy and pragmatic bilateral connections, of benefits to both countries”.

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The Coalition disclosed its website during an on-line launch event last week. The creation of the initiative, according to the official website, gains an “even broader meaning in our context, as it encompasses the union not only of the Public Power, but also of the nations of Brazil and China, of various bodies and entities, and of society in general”.

The Coalition’s facilitator is Ibrachina (Instituto Social Brasil China). The project will be coordinated by Thomas Law, CEO of Ibrachina. Also participating are the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association), the Government of Mato Grosso, the Sino-Brazilian humanitarian mission #Amarzonas, among other entities.

At the event organized by Coalizão Brasil China, participants of the initiative discussed the “Conjunctural Analysis of the Evergrande Case”, promoted by the Brazil China Coordination in the OAB System.


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