Vale group removes Brazilian workers from Mozambique


Over 200 Brazilian workers of Vale Moçambique are due to leave the country on Wednesday night on a Ethiopian Airlines flight, which will take them to Belo Horizonte International Airport, in Confins, where it is due to arrive on Thursday morning, mining group Vale said, quoted by Macauhub.


The group said in a statement that it had decided to lease the aircraft, a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, from the Ethiopian carrier given that most scheduled flights to Mozambique have been suspended.


“Vale is acting in line with health and safety protocols set by the authorities and agencies of each of the countries where it operates and is watching as the situation develops,” the statement said.


Vale Moçambique, a subsidiary of Brazilian group Vale, was considered to be the largest company in Mozambique in 2018, according to a 2019 study by KPMG Auditores e Consultores.


This was the second consecutive year that the company that operates the Moatize coal mine, in the central province of Tete, and the Nacala Logistics Corridor, in the north, headed the list of the 100 largest companies in Mozambique.


Photo of Moatize mine, Mozambique | © Vale

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